
Unleash your musical talent and let the world see what you've got! This category is all about you and your SOLO performance. Whether you prefer playing solo alone or accompanied, it's time to show off your skills and let your musical brilliance shine.

You have a talent for singing. You have passion. You have a head full of songs that are waiting to be heard. What’s stopping you? Sing your heart out and upload the video here. Your fans are waiting to hear the dulcet melodies of your voice.

Big bands. Small bands. Virtual bands. One-man bands. Get creative and have some fun by submitting your video to this category. We want to hear what you’ve got to offer.

You’ve got style. You’ve got grace. You’re the brains behind the operation. You see the world as one giant musical piece. Show us your score, and we’ll show you how to get heard.
Jazz musicians from anywhere in the world can showcase their talent and enter this unique Jazz Competition