

Dear friends. In order to make the registration and submission process as smooth and painless as possible we are beginning to offer our service in your own country and in your native language. That means that from now on you will be able to submit your application and questions about the rules and jazz competition guidelines through our awesome local affiliates in your native tongue.

Here is the list of our current partners, who will guide you through the process, will look after your interests and make sure things don't get lost in translation, so to speak. You can also register with our local affiliate to learn more about our projects and get involved locally and internationally! 


ELORZA MUSIC / Argentina

Elorza Music Inc is dedicated to entertainment and artistic / musical production that provides and guarantees the best professional solutions perfectly suited to the requirements of our customers.

We have a selection of artists and highly professional working teams which would guarantee you a nice, warm experience without misunderstandings and %100 exciting and enjoyable.

We are supported by a wide experience and expertise working alongside national and international clients as well as companies and renowned hotel brands.

Here at Elorza Music we ensure that your experience is beyond the expectations of your dreams. Contact us and we will be pleased to help, recommend and send you all the information you need.


RABBIT RECORDS / Montenegro 

Rabbit Records" Ltd. was established in February 2011 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The main activity of the company is the music production. Apart from that, the company is registered for marketing/consulting services and provision of services in the field of audio/video production.

Within a wide range of activities, the company also runs a quite successful Ethno Jazz Club “Sejdefa” in the centre of Podgorica.

We can offer you valuable contacts and cooperation with most influential media (electronic and print media) in Montenegro are guarantees that you will have adequate media representation and highest quality presentation of the product to be placed on the market. Our team of top notch professionals is at your disposal 24/7. They can design campaign for you or secure adequate positioning of the final product  on the market.

Join The Competition

Jazz musicians from anywhere in the world can showcase their talent and enter this unique Jazz Competition

simply by submitting videos